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Case Study: Healthcare Consultant Website Redesign

We recently completed a redesign for a healthcare ethics consultant. This client has been in business for a long time. They have done some excellent work and helped a lot of people. They've received many referrals from their network and many clients from their...

Niche Blogging For Your Business

As a young entrepreneur, I can understand the difficulty of putting yourself, and your brand, out there. Consumers see a young person promoting their business and may think, "This kid probably has no idea what he/she is doing." And why shouldn't they think that? Sure,...

Sway: The Irresistible Pull of Irrational Behavior Review

By Ori and Rom Brafman When I was in high school, my school went above and beyond pushing every student towards college or trade school. All the counselors used a saying to start every college and career readiness meeting: "Begin with the end in mind." As a teenager,...
5 Ways to Be a Better Public Speaker

5 Ways to Be a Better Public Speaker

Do you hate public speaking? The thought of getting in front of a lot of people and talking make you shake and sweat a bit? It’s cool. You’re not alone. I’m not in that group, but I understand the fear. I used to be afraid of lots of things. Like going to school...

5 Key Tools for Teamwork and Collaboration

5 Key Tools for Teamwork and Collaboration

The most important factor to team success: communication. That's why you need tech tools for teamwork and collaboration! Keeping communication lines open and transparent can be difficult. An app can’t fix any communication problems you have within the team or office,...

6 Quick Ways to Increase Productivity

6 Quick Ways to Increase Productivity

I’ve settled on six quick ways to increase productivity and help you accomplish those goals fast so you can achieve more. Most people want to have more energy and be more productive. The two generally go together. Bonus: you’ll also save some money and lose weight...

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