I was immediately blown away by how smart Paperform is! 

Paperform combines incredible intelligence with sheer simplicity.

As a techie who enjoys studying how things work, this program’s incredible abilities impressed me!

There is so much going on under the hood of Paperform. It’s a powerful engine underneath a beautiful interface. 

The elegance of the software is not only appealing to me, but to my clients as well.

I showed this to a business partner of mine who is entirely creative, not technical at all, and she loved Paperform! We often joke about how she “repels technology” and how if there is a way for something to not work, she’ll find it. Then, I need to fix it.

She couldn’t make Paperform not work! It was a Christmas miracle! Haha

She was raving about the elegant beauty of the program and how user-friendly it is at every turn.

All the data created by Paperform, and the data received by submissions, is easy to find and understand. All the edits you might need to make are clearly labeled so you can navigate the forms quickly.

It’s quite streamlined when you look at the pages, you might not notice how much is happening. Paperform is so graceful in display and form.

It’s so seemingly simple at first glance, it looks like a Google Doc. There is a tremendous amount of functionality in Paperform, yet it never feels overwhelming. It’s such a fluid experience. 

There are many, many options provided, yet the interface manages to be super clean.

Paperform is clearly well-thought-out software. Providing so many options in a simple fashion, this program gives you all the tools you need without doing the thinking for you.

All the tools to make magic with forms exactly where you need them.

Paperform is stylish enough to keep people interested in looking at it without overdoing anything and the intelligence of the program speaks for itself. They married brains and beauty perfectly.


While I tend towards developing efficiency, I don’t find organizational skills a personal strong suit. Paperform helps me stay organized with the information I’m receiving and helps me keep client forms organized by allowing me to create separate spaces for them.

I can keep all my client forms in one place now and not forget anyone. I can return to any form and review the submissions at any time. If a client ever has a question about what they said they wanted, I can refer them to the form they completed on Paperform.

I can get signatures on documents in Paperform too! This is super convenient for having signed documents completed and stored in one place. For me, it’s very helpful to have all that information organized in one place.

I also don’t have to remember to email anyone after they make an inquiry or complete a form as Paperform emails them automatically.

The magic of this software helps me stay organized and on-schedule.


Poll your top customers to get fantastic data about your business. You even get pie charts to show you how your customers are responding!

Surveys can include conditional logic to show questions only if they answer a question a certain way. You can use this to get more detail from your best customers without overwhelming them with a survey that is too lengthy at first glance.


Send an ebook as a thank you to your customers/ clients using Paperform!

Set it once and Paperform will handle the rest. Everyone who completes your survey and indicates they want an ebook will receive it. You don’t have to worry about it. No more wondering if you missed a form in your cluttered inbox! 


Due to the genius setup of Paperform, you can have people pay you before being able to schedule a meeting. 

There are multiple ways to do this and some include making integrations. You can arrange where they would have to pay to access the page on your website to schedule a meeting. Then, the form automatically redirects them after a successful payment to your calendar page, which could include something like Calendly.

I have seen what a huge win this is for so many small businesses. My clients have been very excited about the possibilities here and we are in the process of replacing their old systems for scheduling that require a lot of hours switching between programs and copying data. 


Drag and Drop form creation! It’s so simple, even the least tech-savvy people you know will be able to handle it. There are so many business owners that don’t want to deal with anything technical. 

Some business owners even avoid tech solutions to their problems because they think it’ll be too much effort to learn how to use it. That doesn’t need to be the case anymore. If you’re a business owner, you can clean up the paper clutter and save time by using Paperform. If you’re an agency, you can make your clients lives easier by introducing them to the power of Paperform.

No longer do business owners have to swim through mountains of paper to find the information they need. They can get the information quickly and easily in one place.

No more paper forms (get it?!) – just Paperform!


I’m very excited about using the templates they have! I haven’t seen software like this that includes so many helpful form templates. This is perfect for an agency that is working with many different types of clients. You can get their form ready in minutes instead of hours.


Saving the forms that get partially completed is a fantastic feature. It allows people who start but don’t finish to return to the form without having to start again. 

Some people can be turned off by a form that forgot their answers, and we don’t want to deter people from finishing a form.

This is a simple, yet powerful way to capture customer input.


You can easily prevent spam completions of your form by requiring captcha. Paperform also keeps all of your information secure. They even give you options for erasing form data.

You can easily set up 2FA (Two Factor Authentication) for access to your forms as well. This gives you another level of security, ensuring that you are the only one seeing sensitive information.


Paperform is allowing me to grow my business as I can delegate the form creation task MUCH easier than I can delegate WordPress tasks!

This is a HUGE win for me and my business! I can share my tasks more easily thanks to Paperform, which will allow me to spend my time growing the business.


Most businesses have forms they need completed. I introduced this to my health coaching client, and she got super excited… about intake forms! 

Thanks to Paperform, I saved her about 10 hours per month! This frees her to spend her time growing her business, which is good for me too.

My health coaching client LOVES me now!

Clients enjoy meeting with me more because Paperform makes sense to them. It’s easy to understand and the clients have a more enjoyable experience going over the tech stuff since I implemented Paperform.
It’s so much easier to explain how things work now that I have this efficient program. This saves me time, no repeating myself or spending extra time answering questions. Clients are more engaged too!


My favorite part of Paperform is using conditional logic. Conditional logic is exceptionally powerful!

You can make question threads using conditional logic. The threads can get super detailed so you get the most out of the form and get the best insights into your customers and clients.

It’s so cool to make a form conversational! If a prospect answers an important question in the affirmative they get a new question before moving to the next section.

One way I’m using this to help a client is by leading their clients to the right package for them based on how they answer questions. Paperform’s conditional logic makes the form similar to the health coach having the conversation with the prospective client in person.

The best part is that Paperform is doing all the work!

I’ve never been so excited to integrate something into my software stack!

Paperform Review: POSITIVE CYCLES

I’ve made it easier for a client to streamline her process, which makes coaching easier for her, which leads to her client satisfaction, which then leads to her being happier with me! It’s a virtuous cycle that started thanks to Paperform!

Have you ever heard of someone getting excited about an intake form?! I have now, thanks to Paperform!

She called me and thanked me for introducing her to Paperform. She told me how it has impacted her life and improved her coaching business. I was pumped for her! Those are my favorite moments!

I might be a nerdy tech guy, but my passion is helping people grow their business and be happier! 

Thanks to Paperform, I know I will have a lot more of those moments.

Disclosure: Electric Growth was provided a premium account for free to fully explore the features of this service so that we could write an accurate review.

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