25 Hot Startups to Watch 2018 and Beyond

Hundreds, if not thousands, of startups are doing cool things. It’s hard to keep up with all of the startup happenings.

Electric Growth decided to make a list of some really hot startups for you to track in 2018!

This list is neither comprehensive nor all-inclusive. We feel like these 25 startups to watch 2018 will make a big splash and become more of a household name.

Startups are listed in alphabetical order. Click on their name to visit their website:


1 Ada

Ada is a super-smart health app that provides AI-powered healthcare information at your fingertips so you can take control of your health! Adding doctors and chat with doctors to their platform makes this app a must-have!


2 AirFive

Creating a new path to film distribution is AirFive’s gift to filmmakers everywhere. Using AirFive’s platform, filmmakers can upload their film to make money via the VOD service. Giving filmmakers a new way to reach the world while making money for their work is so 2018!

3 Alyce

Alyce delivers beautifully-automated, AI-powered gifting for your company. Whether your goal is to boost retention and engagement, close more deals or just make your employees super happy, Alyce is the right choice for your business!

4 Averon

Being the world’s ONLY automated mobile security solution qualified Averon for the list. They could rid us of the need to keep physical keys and digital keys with use cases ranging from smart cars to online banking! You must see it in action!


5 Brix

Brix takes AI and builds the right team for your project to deliver on-time and under-budget! While we recently advised against outsourcing on your own, outsourcing with the help of AI is highly encouraged! Brix makes launching your product faster and more affordable – get launched in 2018!



Management needed an upgrade. Thanks to Butterfly, it gets one. Using data and AI to evolve managers into leaders will boost productivity and morale like never before! This platform is exactly what the corporate world needed!



AI-powered ECG analysis by Cardiologs will help reduce workloads for physician and improve diagnostic yields! This groundbreaking technology could save millions for healthcare providers while saving lives!


Ceres Imaging

Using smart technology, Ceres Imaging helps farmers optimize their farms for maximum yields! Smartphone-equipped farmers can now grow on smart farms with the aerial technology from Ceres Imaging.



Touchable video. Welcome to 2018. You can tap something you like in a video and buy it. Cinematique is forever changing the way we consume video! This game-changing technology will be adored by businesses and consumers alike!


10 Convargo

Solving road freight may not be the sexiest startup marketplace, but it’s certainly a profitable and useful one. Convargo recently landed $19M in funding and will be expanding across Europe in 2018!


11 Exyn Technologies

Fully autonomous flying robots. That’s all.


12 Flont

Flont introduces subscription service rentals for fine jewelry. It’s like Netflix (with the DVD in the mail) for jewelry. Making elegance affordable is pretty cool!


13 Good2Go

G2G is revolutionizing bathroom access using smartphones! This app will help users find relief while driving foot traffic to local businesses who partner with them – it’s win-win! We’re excited to see how small businesses use this opportunity in 2018!


14 MacRebur

MacRebur is improving roads by recycling waste plastic and replacing bitumen in asphalt! They’ve created a win-win-win in that their solution reduces the amount of plastic waste in landfills, reduces fossil fuel usage in roads and is less expensive than traditional asphalt.


15 Reaction Commerce

Reaction Commerce built an e-commerce platform for developers and designers. Their open-source software seeks to be the solution to the problem of finding efficient custom e-commerce software.


16 Rekener

Maximize recurring revenue with Rekener’s software to help you cross-sell your current customers! Using data from customers to find the best opportunities to grow your market will definitely be a key to success in 2018!


17 Scoutible

Creating game-based AI to find your best hire locks Scoutible into a top startup to watch in 2018 spot! Hiring is vital to the success of your company and you want every advantage possible to get hiring right the first time. Scoutible provides that advantage!


18 Skillenza

Skillenza created a better resume. Words on paper don’t matter nearly as much as skills in today’s job market. The question is do you have the skills to complete the job? You can prove you’re ready on Skillenza and land exclusive job offers!


19 Snatch

Augmented Reality is set to be huge in 2018 and beyond. Snatch is capitalizing on this with their AR treasure hunt game! This AR Marketing slash video game hybrid is set to blaze a new augmented trail! You need to download it to see it for yourself!


20 Solvvy

Solvvy infuses AI and machine learning into customer service – dramatically improving the quality of your customer support, while reducing the costs of providing it! This is the new wave of tech-enhanced customer support!


21 Tooshlights

Tooshlights seeks to solve that awkward moment in public restrooms where you check under stall doors and knock a few times. The product can help flow of traffic as well as improve customer experience by avoiding that awkward situation. Their smart LED light system looks to brighten the future of public restroom use!


22 WayCare

WayCare offers an AI-based solution to traffic problems. Their software makes the future of transportation look brighter for cities and commuters alike! Using WayCare data, local municipalities can make their cities more transportation-friendly!


23 Wifi Plug

The Wifi Plug lets you control your appliances from anywhere using your smartphone! The money savings on energy bills makes this device a wise investment!


24 Wrisk

The future of insurance is Wrisk – a single app to buy insurance, update your policy and make claims. The transparency and helpfulness is unprecedented in the insurance industry! Look for Wrisk to start shaking the insurance industry to its core in 2018 and beyond!


25 Zazu

Changing the money landscape in Africa is Zazu’s goal – and we think they’ll achieve it! Zazu simplifies financial processes and introduces truly smart banking to the continent!


BONUS: Your Startup!

Tell us a little about what you do and we’ll see what we can do to help you grow in 2018!


There you have it: Electric Growth’s 25 Startups to Watch 2018. Thanks for reading!

Let us know which ones you’re most excited about in the comments!

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