3 Highly Effective Ways to Use Social Media for B2B Companies

Social Media may not be the most efficient way to grow, and regularly reach, an audience online, but it can still be an incredibly powerful tool for your business’s bottom line.

Here are a few highly effective ways to use social media for B2B companies to increase your business:

1 – Messaging

Send what are essentially emails to other businesses on social media. Many companies pay attention to their social media – as they may also be using it as a part of their marketing strategy – which means social media messages are a good way to get their attention.

Cold emails are an important part of your overall strategy, but the inbox can get cluttered. It might be advantageous to send a message to a potential client on social media if you see that they are active on the platform. This message can be a follow-up to that cold email you sent or as a way to warm them up to an email from you.


2 – Support

Maybe you don’t want your phone ringing off the hook with clients needing support. In that case, social media is a great place for your support, as you can have public dialogue with clients.

This is a high-risk, high-reward strategy, of course. With your support being public, potential clients can see all of it. If you do a great job, you’ll likely win new business from your handling of those situations on social media. If you don’t handle it well though, you’ll drive potential clients away as they see your disappointing interaction with current clients.


3 – Public Engagement

Get involved in conversations and offer help without trying to sell someone. By simply diving into the conversation and providing value, you can attract business.

That’s the best way to use social media for B2B businesses.

Share your knowledge without charging or selling someone. Just do it online where it can be seen, so people start valuing your expertise.

Quora and Twitter are excellent places to start engaging people needing help. You could also write blog posts that answer the questions you see online, then share it on social media and mention them.

This extra step takes longer, but drives people back to your website, which is where you want them to be anyway. They can get a more thorough answer in your blog post, and if you impress them enough, they’ll sign up for your email newsletter.


By employing these three effective strategies to use social media for B2B companies, you can focus on growing your business in time- and cost-effective ways online.


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