Get FREE Website Hosting for Your Growing Business

We believe in you as an entrepreneur. You will do great things. You will help your community thrive as your business grows.

That’s why we’re now offering FREE website hosting for our clients!

Save on your monthly expenses

Most website hosting platforms, like GoDaddy or BlueHost, charge $5 to $20 per month for hosting your website.

This is money that could be better spent on ads to grow your business. We want you to succeed. Your success is our success. That’s the way it should be.

Server space isn’t nearly as expensive as it used to be. We have a server that can handle your website and serve the site quickly to your visitors.

Shared Hosting with them vs Shared Hosting with us

Shared website hosting on other platforms can be very slow. Your site can get slowed tremendously due to another site on your shared portion of their server getting popular and hogging the bandwidth.

Shared website hosting with our clients is great. The server is a high-powered VPS and we use caching to help keep our sites loading quickly.

There are companies who offer free website hosting for a limited amount of space, time, or bandwidth. But you have to manage everything. When you’re our client, we do it for you so you can focus on your business.

Focus on Growing Your Business, We’ll Manage Your Digital Presence

Everything works better when you spend time doing the things that make you money. If you aren’t in the business of building websites, why would you spend time learning to manage yours?

Outsource your areas of weakness. Leave the website hosting to us.

In fact, we are so happy about our new server and new clients, that we’ve decided to give free website hosting to our clients for LIFE.

If you hire us to build your website and stay in business for 10 years, you would be saving hundreds, or even thousands, of dollars!

Let us do the digital dirty work while you do the activities that will impact your revenue numbers!


Contact us to get FREE website hosting for your business for LIFE* today!

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*If your website gets so much traffic it starts slowing our current server, you will be forced to upgrade to a paid plan. We hope you get to that point and we know you won’t be disappointed to get there either! That plan will start when you hit 30,000 monthly visitors.

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