Healthy Eating at Work Will Boost Productivity

Healthy people are more productive.

When you eat healthily, your mind functions better.

The tough part is figuring out what to eat during work hours. It would be easier if we only spent 30 hours at the office.

Healthy eating at work starts with planning.

Intermittent fasting helps the body burn fat for energy, which will make us feel better and boost brain function.


Start by eliminating a meal from the day.

Some suggest breakfast. Some suggest dinner.

When you cut the eating hours to an 8-hour window, one meal has to go. You can add a healthy snack time in the middle of the two meals though.

This also frees more time to cook/sleep because you’re only doing breakfast OR dinner, not both.

The simplicity of this plan with fewer decisions for the day will help your productivity across the board.


Don’t drink coffee immediately upon waking.

That infusion of caffeine when your body is already waking itself up will mess with the cortisol levels and create a dependency on caffeine to awaken the mind.

If you’re already there, then pushing coffee time later slowly will help. When you’re ready to up your coffee game, we get RAWdeo SuperPowers Coffee mix! We’ll feel so much better and more focused!

Using a good morning routine before coffee jump starts the day positively.

Then, having coffee later will act as an appetite suppressant to keep you from feeling hungry until lunch!


Don’t eat frozen meals or fast food.

Healthy eating at work doesn’t have to be difficult. Keep it as simple as possible.

Leftovers are an excellent lunch idea. Something that doesn’t require extra prep will be time-efficient too.

Go heavy on the vegetables at both meals. If you’re eating leftovers, you only have to think about it and cook it once!

If you’re stuck and need something quick: plain nuts and/or seeds. Fruit is another great option.

When you want to mix it up: Square Organic Bars (aff link) are excellent and delicious!

A lot of the health bars at the store aren’t as healthy as their packaging and advertising would lead you to believe. Most have pretty high sugar contents.


Protein boosts mental focus

Instead of a sugar infused energy drink, try a plant-based protein shake.

The protein will boost memory and mental clarity, helping you stay productive all afternoon!

I recommend organic rice protein or organic pea protein (affiliate links). One scoop with water and ice shook in a quality shaker bottle (aff link) will be excellent for afternoon fuel.

When you’re more focused, you accomplish tasks quicker. When your job is complete, you should leave for the day, right?

Cut hours at the office and be happier with life by being more focused and productive during the hours you spend at the office!


Healthy eating at work doesn’t have to be difficult as it may have previously seemed. Just break it down into the above steps and you’ll be well on your way to being more productive in fewer hours!



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