Tired of your marketing spending too much and achieving too little? We’re here to help.

Maybe you spent gobs of money on TV ads last year and couldn’t really measure the ROI for it but you know your business didn’t boom like you hoped.

It’s time to inject new life into your business using the marketing tips to grow your small business in 2017!

You know you need to be online and doing the social media thing, but there’s some bigger stuff to pay attention to.

These aren’t trends. They won’t fade in effectiveness with time. And you already have the tools to use these marketing tips effectively.

Here are the top 3 marketing tips to grow your business this year:

1 – Drive Referrals

People love helping their friends. When their friend has a problem, they want to help solve it.

They could refer that person to your business to solve their friend’s problem. It makes them look good and feel good. Plus, you get a new customer who already trusts you.


2 – Provide Value

Give as much as possible to people for free.

You’ll become a valuable resource they will rely on. When they need what you offer, they won’t consider anyone else.

Information wants to be free – offer your time and knowledge to help people and they will repay you when they can.


3 – Make Partnerships

Help other businesses grow and you can all be more successful. Whatever you do, there are other ancillary services you could promote.

You’re a wedding photographer? Partner with a baker, a DJ, a wedding planner and a venue or two.

Pass referrals to each other. Everyone wins!

If you can’t think of any service that would be needed by your customers, join a referral networking group. Then you can pass your customers who need different problems solved to your referral network. And they will do the same for you.


For more marketing tips to grow your small business in 2017 and beyond…

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